Manage your intranet's settings in Control Panel > System.
General Settings Configure and customize your intranet's behavior using General Settings. You can set registration requirements, update the default time zone and culture, configure social single sign-on, and much more. General Settings ensure you stay in control of your intranet's behavior.
Application Settings In Application Settings, you can turn on and off content types and features throughout the platform.
System Properties System Properties are advanced settings that allow several fine-grained configuration options unavailable through the Control Panel or user interface. Be cautious when changing these settings, as they can affect system stability if not properly configured.
Integrations Add and manage integration accounts in the Control Panel. Integration accounts added in the Control Panel can be used in all spaces. Check out our Third-Party Integrations setup guides for instructions on setting up a specific integration.
External Drives Add a cloud storage drive in the Control Panel to bring external files into Axero. Once a user connects their external account in Files, they can view, search for, and download external files right in Axero. You can even upload files to your external account from Axero. Axero supports two-way syncing for Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, SharePoint, and OneDrive.
Workflows A workflow consists of a series of moderation steps where the content must be approved before publication. Each step is based on a user role. Before the content becomes active, a person with the required role must approve the content.
System Permissions Axero uses fine-grained, role-based permissions to manage access to different parts of the system. Permissions are given to Roles, and each user can have multiple roles.
Profanity Filters Profanity filters work by identifying words you deem inappropriate and then substituting them for the censored word or symbols you want to use.
Robots.txt Websites use the robots exclusion standard (robots.txt) to tell web crawlers and other web robots which areas of the website should not be processed or scanned. Web robots are often used by search engines to categorize websites.
Look and Feel
Logo and Branding Customize the appearance of your intranet by adding your logo, choosing the header color, and uploading a favicon.
CSS Overrides CSS Overrides is your answer to customizing the look and feel of your intranet. Using CSS gives you much more flexibility than using a traditional web-based UI tool. CSS is a standard Internet technology used to style websites, such as changing font styles, hiding elements, changing background colors, changing site width to full screen, and much more.
Localized Content Localized Content allows you to translate or replace static text used in the Axero user interface with the text of your choice. You can change the default terminology used in the Axero user interface to match the terminology that best suits your company or organization. For example, you might change Spaces to Teams, Connections to Friends, or People to Co-workers.
Page Builder Page Builder is an easy drag-and-drop tool that allows you to create beautiful content-rich pages throughout your intranet. Page Builder pages are responsive, meaning they are friendly to desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. Page Builder provides pre-built widgets for you to get started quickly.
Page Builder Widget Templates Widget templates are used to display content on Page Builder pages. Each template displays content and information in different ways. Certain content types can be displayed using several templates, while other content can be displayed with only one specific template.
Dynamic Properties Dynamic Properties can be used to add content in places throughout Axero, such as the My Activity Stream page, Space Activity Stream pages, Page Builder pages, and more.
Email Templates Axero generates many emails, such as confirm emails, event notifications, daily digests, weekly digests, and much more. You can modify the verbiage and look of each template by clicking the Edit icon for your desired template.
Tag Groups Tags give your content and conversations context and make everything easier to find while connecting you to similar information. All of the content in Axero, from blogs and wikis to photos and discussions, can be tagged with keywords. Axero allows you to organize similar tags into Tag Groups. For example, you can create a tag group for Offices, then add tags for each city (e.g., San Francisco, Denver, Shanghai).
User Activity The user activity page displays all the actions taken in your intranet by all users and in all spaces. You'll see activities such as viewing content, commenting on content, creating content, and more.
Exception Log The exception log helps your IT team and Axero troubleshoot technical errors. If you experience an issue and an error correlates to your activity, please include the exception in an error report to Axero.
Email Queue View emails in the queue. You'll see the email ID, to and from address, subject and body, and delivery attempt count. You can send or delete queued emails.
Advanced System Utilities Use the tools in Advanced System Utilities to rebuild the search index, restart the site, and rebuild the activity feeds.
Single Sign On On the Single Sign-On page, you can view and manage SSO settings.
REST API Settings Do you need to import or export data? Perhaps you want to display the latest company news on a lobby TV screen? Or do you want to integrate with a 3rd party system? You can use our REST API to access your data and perform functions in Axero. Once you enable the REST API for your desired role, you can retrieve your REST API key in User Preferences.
Log Archive Settings Control how often certain pieces of data are archived or deleted.
Background Tasks Log The background task log can be used to troubleshoot issues with Axero. If emails aren't being sent or you are experiencing slow performance, this area could help your IT Team or Axero troubleshoot the cause.
Axero Version View your Axero version and the last time your intranet was upgraded.
Domain Configuration In Domain Configuration, you can configure your intranet to access it from multiple domain names. This includes setting up your domain name.
License Manager The License Manager allows you to add a license key for a domain. You can also update a license key for a domain.
Media Servers Axero has advanced storage settings that allow you to store videos, photos, files, and content files on your own storage devices. If you're worried about your web server's lack of space, use this area to take the heavy data load off your web server.
URL Mapper Using URL Mappers, you can create URL redirects. For example, if you deleted an article but have linked this article in many places, you could create a URL Mapper to redirect the old URL to a new URL. This also helps Google know where to redirect users if you have a public intranet.
is requesting access to a wiki that you have locked:
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