When you first begin creating your site, it is important to select a domain from which your site will be accessible. You have three options when choosing your domain:
You may also be an existing customer interested in changing your intranet domain. Making a change after your site has launched requires tight coordination and often requires Enhanced Support services, so please submit a Private Case to discuss the steps required and plan the change well in advance to avoid disruption to your users.
Choosing to use an Axero subdomain is a quick and easy way to get your site created and ready to start building! This option has the added benefit of having Axero renew and manage your domain name and records completely. You can choose this option to begin setup and migrate to another domain option before configuring any third-party integrations you plan on using, including adding users and SSO.
To request this configuration, notify your Implementation Manager or other contact at Axero of the subdomain you wish to utilize. Our team will initiate the site creation process.
After your site is configured, your Implementation Manager will be notified so they can personalize it based on the initial information gathered during your Kickoff. Once ready, they will securely share details with you on how to access your site.
Selecting a custom subdomain based on a domain you are already managing can be a good way to drive personalization and branding to your users. With this option, Axero will manage your SSL Renewals, but you will be responsible for ensuring your domain is properly renewed and that your DNS settings point to your site correctly.
To configure a custom subdomain, please follow these steps:
Selecting a new domain that is not used for other purposes will enable you to create a unique location for your users to engage with your site. With this option, Axero will manage your SSL Renewals, and you will be responsible for ensuring your domain is properly renewed and that your DNS settings point to your site correctly.
To configure a custom domain, please follow these steps:
Add Domain - See Custom Domain Name above
Edit Domain
Delete Domains
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