Ideas are suggestions that users can post and vote on. Ideas have a title, description, category, and stage.
Create Idea
Vote on Idea
Edit Content
Deactivate Content
Delete Content
Content Basics
On the ideas homepage, you can sort and filter ideas in the following way:
The ideas homepage also has an RSS link.
With the permission to manage ideas, you can edit and delete ideas in Manage Space. You can add and delete idea categories. You can activate, deactivate, and rename idea categories. You can add, rename, and delete idea stages, which indicate the status of an idea. Finally, you can set idea permissions for roles in the space.
Manage Space: Ideas
Manage Space: Idea Categories
Manage Space: Idea Stages
Idea Permissions
How to Enable Anonymous Discussions
Enable anonymous discussions to encourage honest conversations and constructive feedback in your organization.
How to Set Contact Request Email Addresses
Communifire comes with a Contact Us page which your intranet members can use to contact site administrators. You can set specific email addresses to receive contact requests, by request type.
How to Set Up Private Case Submission
You can set case permissions so space members can only see the cases they submitted, and space administrators and moderators can see all cases. Private case submission protects user data and makes conversations available to relevant parties only.
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