The Featured Users template displays people and job titles. The template is a built-in template and comes with your Axero site. To use the template:
Below is the HTML of this template for your reference.
<div class="axero-widget {{CustomCSSClass}} {{#if HideContainerBorder}}axero-widget-no-border{{/if}}"> {{#if ShowWidgetHeader}} <div class="axero-widget-header"> <h3>{{{WidgetTitle}}}</h3> </div> {{/if}} <div class="axero-widget-content"> <div class="list"> <ul> {{#each Contents}} <li> <div class="axero-section-list-avatar"> <a href="{{ProfileURL}}" title="{{{UserInfoDisplayName}}}"><img alt="{{{UserInfoDisplayName}}}" src="{{AvatarImageURL}}" /></a> </div> <div class="axero-section-list-content"> <div class="axero-section-list-content-title"> <a class="axero-user-card-link" data-user="{{UserID}}" href="{{ProfileURL}}" title="{{{UserInfoDisplayName}}}">{{{UserInfoDisplayName}}}</a> </div> <div class="axero-section-list-content-date"> {{{field:Occupation}}} </div> </div> </li> {{/each}} </ul> </div> </div> {{#if ShowWidgetFooter}} <div class="axero-widget-footer"> </div> {{/if}} </div>
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