The Stacked Right template displays content with one item highlighted on the left and other items in a list on the right. The template is a built-in template and comes with your Communifire site. To use the template:
Below is the HTML of this template, for your reference.
<div class="axero-widget {{CustomCSSClass}} {{#if HideContainerBorder}}axero-widget-no-border{{/if}}"> {{#if ShowWidgetHeader}} <div class="axero-widget-header"> <h3>{{{WidgetTitle}}}</h3> </div> {{/if}} <div class="axero-widget-content axero-widget-content-padded"> <ul class="thumbnails ax-magazine-one-fourstack"> {{#each Contents}} <li class="span6"> <div class="thumbnail"> <a href="{{ContentURL}}"><img src="{{ContentImageURL}}" alt="{{{Title}}}" /></a> <div class="hero-overlay"> <h4><a title="{{{Title}}}" href='{{ContentURL}}'>{{{Title}}}</a></h4> <p class="meta small">{{DateCreatedString}}{{#if ../CommentsEnabled}} · <i class="icon-comment"></i> {{CommentCount}}{{/if}}</p> <p class="description">{{{Summary}}}</p> </div> </div> </li> {{/each}} </ul> </div> {{#if ShowWidgetFooter}} <div class="axero-widget-footer"> {{{FooterHTML}}} </div> {{/if}} </div>
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