You can create events in the top level community. Events have a start and end date and time, and can repeat or take place all day. Events have a description, type, and location. You can send invitations to an event when you create it, as well as add users as attendees.
"Top level community" refers to the entirety of your intranet, in contrast to spaces, which are sub-communities of the top level community. If a space is private, users who are not members of the space cannot view its content, whereas everyone in your intranet can view top level content. Top level events can be accessed through the Browse menu.
Note:To set default intervals for event reminders, go to Control Panel > System > System Properties and search for EventReminderIntervalInMinutesCSV. Update the value to your preferred intervals in minutes. The default value is "30,10", which sets reminders 30 minutes and 10 minutes before the event.
Managing top level events is similar to managing space events.
Manage Space: Events
Manage Space: Event Types
Manage Space: Event Email Settings
Event Permissions
Event Resources
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