Use bulk import to quickly add several user accounts to your intranet at once. You can also use bulk import to bulk update user data.
To bulk import or update users, you must have a CSV file of users. The CSV file must include columns for username and email address. You can import or update any profile field, including user preferences. Match column headings in the CSV file to the User Profile Fields labels. The column headings can be in any of the languages available on your site.
Download a sample CSV file. The sample file includes the following columns: Username, First name, Last name, Email, Password, Company, Date of birth, Department, Address 1, City, Country, Postal code, State, Occupation, Phone, Reports to, Profile photo.
To bulk import users:
The bulk import will begin. A progress bar will appear on the page. You can stay on the page or leave the page.
If you checked Activate user account, the new users will appear in Manage People. If you didn't check Activate user account, the new users will appear in Manage People > Pending Activation.
You can add any field that you have on the Edit Profile page. In the below table, as an example we have added the Tags column that can also be imported when adding new users.
Here is another example of a table where more the column Phone is added.
You can add add similar rows in the CSV file to import users.
When you bulk import the Reports to field (which builds the Organizational Chart ) use the manager's username, email address, or user ID. Don't use the manager's display name.
If you're bulk importing users for the first time and also populating the Reports to field, you may need to import the CSV file twice to populate all the Reports to fields.
If the org chart doesn't load after bulk import finishes, go to Control Panel > System > Advanced System Utilities and Restart Site .
You can use the CSV file from Download CSV File of Users to make changes to users' profile data (such as first name, last name, address, etc). The CSV file includes columns that are not profile fields (such as Joined, Last Login, etc). To avoid errors, remove non-profile and unneeded columns before using the CSV file in bulk import.
To match custom profile fields upon bulk import, you will need to edit the profile page with the custom fields. We will use the example of matching custom roles in profiles in the following steps:
1) Go to Control Panel>People>User Profiles.
2) Click on gear icon for Edit Profile page, then Edit Page.
3) Under Widgets, select Picklist, drag into the profile page and click the clog icon then Edit Properties.
4) Under Properties rename the widget to the data you are going to match (in this example Roles).
5) Go to Field Options, add Options, name options and set value to True. (This is for the Roles example).
6) Save Widget, then Publish Changes.
7) Upload the CSV file to import users. See the sample CSV below. Please name the columns as shown.
When a user is bulk imported and the account is not activated, the user will receive a verification email. The user must click the link in the email to activate their account.
Clicking the link in the email will open a confirmation page.
The user can then login with their username and password.
They will be prompted to update their password and fill out any missing profile fields.
To customize the user verification email, go to Control Panel > System > Email Templates and edit the Communifire.User.Verification email template. You can change the content, wording, and layout of the verification email.
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource) at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.get_Item(Int32 index) at Communifire.Web.cf_admin.Users.bulk_import_users.btnUpload_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
Fix: Remove any empty lines in the CSV file.
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