The Recognition page shows an overview of recognition in your community. You can see recent recognition activity, view a leaderboard of users, and see challenges you can complete and badges you can earn.
Add Badge
Edit Badge
Edit Recognition Program
Select a recognition program at the top to see the activity, leaderboard, challenges, and badges in that program. Only programs you are allowed to participate in will be listed.
The Most Recent tab displays a stream of recent awards. See who earned a badge, details about the badge, comments on the post, and, if manually awarded, who awarded the badge.
The Leaderboard tab displays top awarded users. You can see how many badges users have sent and received, challenges completed, their points, and their rank.
Filter the leaderboard by a date range to see the leaderboard for that range.
The Challenges tab displays challenge-based badges and a list of recently completed challenges. You can see whether or not you have completed a challenge. You can also see how many users have completed the challenge. Click a challenge to open the full detail page on how to earn the badge and who has already earned it.
The Badges tab displays badges you can earn, award, and be awarded.
Kudos badges are badges you can award to others or be awarded. Click Recognize a coworker to award a badge to someone. Click a badge to open the full detail page.
Challenge badges are badges that are earned by completing certain actions. Click View challenges to open the Challenges tab and see a list of challenges whether or not you have completed a challenge. Click a badge to open the full detail page on how to earn the badge and who has already earned it.
You can customize recognition pages in Control Panel > People > Recognition > Recognition Pages .
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