@Mentions are a great way to get someone's attention or direct other readers to a particular user. When you tag a person with an @mention, they will receive a notification. @Mentions are public and visible to everyone and link to the user's profile.
Note: You can control whether private profiles appear in search results for @mentions by setting the IncludePrivateProfilesInMentionSearch System Property. Set this property to "true" to include private profiles, or "false" to restrict the search to public profiles only.
To tag a person, start typing the name of the person and a suggestion will appear. Select the user you want to tag and the tag will be inserted.
In a Comment
In the Activity Stream
In the Editor
Who you can @mention:
Note: Enabling the MentionMatchContentTypes System Property allows customization of the types of content returned when recommending matches for mentions. By adjusting this property, you can streamline mentioning functionality to focus solely on relevant content types, enhancing efficiency and usability. (Default value includes various content types represented by numbers: 3,4,5,6,7,9,12,13,14,15,19,44,55,74).Learn more about the System Entity Types
You can also @mention content. Type the name of a file, article, or other content type after the @ symbol, and select the content you want to @mention from the menu that appears.
Disable or Enable Email Template
Need to declutter your inbox? Disable an email template to turn that email notification off for everyone in your intranet.
How to Post on a User's Wall
You can post to another user's Activity Stream if they're connected to you. They'll receive a notification about the wall post. Post on someone's wall to ask a question, start a conversation, or follow up on something.
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