Tasks are to-do items relevant to a space. Tasks are separated into task lists and are assigned to specific users. Tasks have a priority and status and can have a due date and estimated completion time. You can sort tasks and move tasks to different task lists. Users can comment on and follow tasks.
Create Tasklist
Edit Tasklist
Delete Tasklist
Create Task
Edit Task
Delete Task
Update Task Status
Update Task Priority
Add Task Time Log
Delete Task Time Log
Sort Tasks
You can filter tasks by tasklist.
You can also filter tasks in the following ways:
Task statuses can be used for automatic time logging. Set a task to In Progress to start the timer. When you change the status to On Hold or Complete, a time log will be added to the task's time log tab, and the time spent and time left will be updated.
Copy link will copy to the clipboard a URL to the task item.
You can set task permissions in Manage Space.
Task Permissions
Task Comment Permissions
Task List Permissions
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