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Intranet software</a> allows you to build knowledge, centralize documents, and streamline communication. Intranets empower you to make the most out of your knowledge by providing your entire workplace one hub to efficiently onboard, support customers, complete projects, and contribute to your company’s overall success.</p>", "ContentBodyUnprocessed": "<p>Building a knowledge base that’s effective is crucial for businesses. Why? Because people need information to do their jobs—and really, to do anything! Knowledge bases serve as your organization’s library where employees can find and receive the information they need to do their jobs.</p>\n<p>Many workplaces, though, miss the mark with how they set up their knowledge bases and how they share crucial content with departments. In fact, 83% respondents of a report said they have problems accessing data they need.</p>\n<p>This falls back on the knowledge base tools and strategy you have in place—both elements need to support how your teams work, not add barriers. Intranet software</a> allows you to build knowledge, centralize documents, and streamline communication. Intranets empower you to make the most out of your knowledge by providing your entire workplace one hub to efficiently onboard, support customers, complete projects, and contribute to your company’s overall success.</p>", "ContentSummary": "Many workplaces, though, miss the mark with how they set up their knowledge bases and how they share crucial content with departments. 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